Zoe (4yrs), Kevin, Thea, and Quinn Harvey (1 yr) |
We were not born chicken enthusiasts. We did, however, start planting an organic garden a few years ago and realized how valuable it is, not just for the harvest, but to our daughter's connection to the source of our food. If you ask Zoe, "Where do tomatoes come from?" or "Where does zucchini or eggplant come from?" she is not going to answer, "the store." We feel great about that.
Also, the food we grow tastes so much better than store bought food. It tastes even better knowing that we grew it!
Last year, we planted corn in our back yard. What better crop to plant in Illinois?! The stalks grew tall and we learned about silks and tassels. The wind and rain blew over several plants and we carefully straightened and supported them. And finally, we got a few ears. OK.. they were pretty small and actually didn't come out that great, but this was the first year! It was still worth it.
All of us took great care of our plants and crops. I told Zoe that I was a farmer and she started telling me that she was a farmer, too. We started composting and reduced the amount of garbage by a considerable amount.
And that led us to chickens. Get the connection? We didn't know much about chickens when we had the idea to have a few. But now we have learned a lot and decided it would be great to do this.
----- MORE TO COME -------
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